1. Ghost of Perdition / Ghost Reveries (88)
2. The Drapery Falls / Blackwater Park (62)
3. Harvest / Blackwater Park (61)
4. Deliverance / Deliverance (57)
4. The Leper Affinity / Blackwater Park (57)
6. The Grand Conjuration / Ghost Reveries (49)
7. Dirge for November / Blackwater Park (41)
8. Windowpane / Damnation (40)
9. The Moor / Still Life (33)
10. Bleak / Blackwater Park (30)
11. Demon of the Fall / My Arms, Your Hearse (26)
12. Beneath the Mire / Ghost Reveries (25)
12. Hours of Wealth / Ghost Reveries (25)
14. A Fair Judgement / Deliverance (24)
14. Blackwater Park / Blackwater Park (24)
14. In My Time of Need / Damnation (24)
17. Face of Melinda / Still Life (22)
18. Hope Leaves / Damnation (20)
18. Master’s Apprentices / Deliverance (20)
18. Wreath / Deliverance (20)
21. Burden / Watershed (18)
21. Ending Credits / Damnation (18)
21. Godhead's Lament / Still Life (18)
21. The Baying of the Hounds / Ghost Reveries (18)
25. The Funeral Portrait / Blackwater Park (17)
26. Reverie / Harlequin Forest / Ghost Reveries (16)
26. The Lotus Eater / Watershed (16)
28. Moonlapse Vertigo / Still Life (14)
29. White Cluster / Still Life (13)
30. To Rid the Disease / Damnation (12)
31. Serenity Painted Death / Still Life (11)
32. Benighted / Still Life (9)
32. Heir Apparent / Watershed (9)
32. Patterns in the Ivy Ii / Still Day Beneath the Sun (9)
35. Advent / Morningrise (8)
35. April Ethereal / My Arms, Your Hearse (8)
35. Black Rose Immortal / Morningrise (8)
35. Porcelain Heart / Watershed (8)
35. The Night and the Silent Water / Morningrise (8)
40. Hessian Peel / Watershed (7)
40. Slither / Heritage (7)
42. Atonement / Ghost Reveries (6)
42. The Twilight Is My Robe / Orchid (6)
42. When / My Arms, Your Hearse (6)
45. Silhouette / Orchid (5)
46. Hex Omega / Watershed (4)
46. Isolation Years / Ghost Reveries (4)
46. Nectar / Morningrise (4)
46. Patterns in the Ivy / Blackwater Park (4)
46. Under the Weeping Moon / Orchid (4)
51. Bleak / The Roundhouse Tapes (3)
51. By the Pain I See in Others / Deliverance (3)
51. Coil / Watershed (3)
51. Cusp of Eternity / Pale Communion (3)
51. Epilogue / My Arms, Your Hearse (3)
51. Era / Sorceress (3)
51. Eternal Rains Will Come / Pale Communion (3)
51. Folklore / Heritage (3)
51. Forest of October / Orchid (3)
51. Heritage / Heritage (3)
51. In Mist She Was Standing / Orchid (3)
51. Madrigal / My Arms, Your Hearse (3)
51. To Bid You Farewell / Morningrise (3)
64. Credence / My Arms, Your Hearse (2)
64. Death Whispered a Lullaby / Damnation (2)
64. For Absent Friends / Deliverance (2)
64. Karma / My Arms, Your Hearse (2)
64. The Amen Corner / My Arms, Your Hearse (2)
64. Weakness / Damnation (2)
70. Closure / Damnation (1)



