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EVERGREYに登録されている21曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
I'm Sorry, 2.
Recreation Day, 3.
Trilogy of the Damned, 4.
Unforgivable, 5.
The Great Deceiver, 6.
A Touch of Blessing, 7.
Blinded, 8.
Rulers of the Mind, 9.
Watching the Skies, 10.
More Than Ever, 11.
Different Worlds, 12.
Dark Waters, 13.
The Masterplan, 14.
The Encounter, 15.
Where All Good Sleep, 16.
Ambassador, 17.
Mark of the Triangle, 18.
Fragments, 19.
Waking Up Blind, 20.
End of Your Days, ....