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FACTに登録されている23曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

A Fact of Life, 2.
Reborn, 3.
Snow, 4.
Paradox, 5.
Pressure, 6.
Resident in My Room, 7.
600 22, 8.
Deviation, 9.
Purple Eyes, 10.
Fall, 11.
Rise, 12.
Blink of the Shadows, 13.
Slip of the Lip, 14.
We Do It in Our Way All the Way, 15.
Manic, 16.
Hate Induces Hate (dexpistols Remix), 17.
Existence, 18.
This Is the End, 19.
Start from Here, 20.
Shine, ....