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FATIMA HILLに登録されている18曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

The Snow Tower, 2.
Aino-uta, 3.
Other, 3.
Ares Dragon, 4.
Aeon, 5.
Oriel Window, 6.
Valhalla (The Song for Beatrice, Part 2), 6.
Aiesis and Your Bible, 7.
Ultimata, 8.
The Sun of Thorns, 9.
The Song for Beatrice Part3 (the Seven Songs), 10.
Stigmata, 11.
Babel Dune, 11.
The Black Bat, 12.
Wheel of Fortune, 13.
Egyptian Tarot, 13.
Memento, 14.
Icon and Voodoo Doll, 15.
Passing Bell Part2, 16.
The World, 17.
The Song for Beatrice, 17.
Ghost, 18.
Arabian Daughter Say