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GIUNTINI PROJECTに登録されている20曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Fool Paradise, 2.
Perfect Sorrow, 3.
Sacrifice, 4.
Born in the Underworld, 5.
Saint Or Sinner, 6.
Gold Digger, 7.
Anno Mundi (the Vision), 8.
Que Es La Vida, 8.
Cured, 9.
Cyberchrist, 9.
Last Station: Nightmare, 10.
Not Connected, 11.
Letters from the Dead, 12.
Early Warning, 13.
Tarot Warrior, 14.
Bring on the Night, 15.
If the Dream Come True, 16.
Shadowlands, 17.
Satan Rising, 18.
The Closest Thing to Heaven, 18.
Dead Ringer, 19.
The Rise and Fall, 20.
Shadow of the Stone, 20.
Too Much Too Late, 20.
Disfunctional Kid