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KRISIUNに登録されている19曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

Murderer, 2.
Wolfen Tyranny, 3.
Conquerors of Armageddon, 4.
Black Force Domain, 5.
Intro / Ravager, 6.
Dawn of Flagellation, 7.
Works of Carnage, 8.
Thorns of Heaven, 9.
Creation's Scourge, 10.
Bloodcraft, 11.
Soul Devourer, 12.
Refusal, 13.
Vicious Wrath, 14.
Ageless Venomous, 15.
Messiah's Abomination, 16.
Sacrifice of the Unborn, 17.
Slaughtering Void, 18.
Evil Mastermind, 19.
Natural Genocide