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BRUCE DICKINSONに登録されている50曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Tears of the Dragon, 2.
Road to Hell, 3.
Jerusalem, 4.
Darkside of Aquarius, 5.
Man of Sorrows, 6.
Abduction, 7.
Tattooed Millionaire, 8.
The Alchemist, 9.
Return of the King, 10.
The Ghost of Cain, 11.
Trumpets of Jericho, 12.
Change of Heart, 13.
Book of Thel, 14.
Freak, 15.
Arc of Space, 16.
Sacred Cowboys, 17.
Omega, 18.
Taking the Queen, 19.
Power of the Sun, 20.
Chemical Wedding, ....