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OMENに登録されている20曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
The Curse, 2.
Teeth of the Hydra, 3.
Death Rider, 5.
Holy Martyr, 6.
The Axeman, 7.
Die by the Blade, 8.
Battle Cry, 9.
Bring Out the Beast, 10.
Eye of the Storm, 11.
Escape to Nowhere, 12.
In the Arena, 13.
1000 Year Reign, 14.
Be My Wench, 15.
Last Rites, 16.
Kill on Sight, 17.
Red Horizon, 18.
Prince of Darkness, 19.
Nightmares, 20.
Ruby Eyes (of the Serpent)