外部リンク"OSTROGOTH" を
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OSTROGOTHに登録されている22曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Vlad Strigoï, 2.
Samourai, 3.
What the Hell Is Going On, 4.
Love Can Wait, 5.
Queen of Desire, 6.
A Bitch Again, 7.
The Introduction, 8.
Too Hot, 9.
Do It Right, 10.
Ecstasy and Danger, 11.
The Hunter, 12.
The Gardens of Marrakesh, 13.
Shoot Back, 14.
Halloween, 15.
Scream Out, 16.
Lords of Thunder, 17.
Night Women (Don't Like Me), 18.
Sign of Life, 19.
Get Out of My Life, 20.
Endless Winterdays, ....