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VANADIUMに登録されている31曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

The Hunter, 2.
Ridge Farm, 3.
Run too Fast, 4.
War Trains, 5.
Russian Roulette, 6.
Warriors, 7.
Outside of Society, 8.
Never Before, 9.
I Was Born to Rock, 10.
Streets of Danger, 11.
Kill the Killer, 12.
A Race With the Devil, 13.
We Want Live Rock'n'Roll, 14.
Game Over, 15.
Seventh Heaven, 16.
Take My Blues Away, 17.
Don't Let Your Master Down, 18.
Get Up Shake Up, 19.
Pretty Heartbreaker, 20.
One Way Ride, ....