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The Cinderella Fan's Gathering PlaceCINDERELLAに登録されている42曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Don't Know What You Got (Till It's Gone), 2.
Heartbreak Station, 3.
Shake Me, 4.
Gypsy Road, 5.
Nobody's Fool, 6.
Long Cold Winter, 7.
Shelter Me, 8.
The More Things Change, 9.
The Last Mile, 10.
Coming Home, 11.
Bad Seamstress Blues/Fallin' Apart at the Seams, 12.
Somebody Save Me, 13.
Hell on Wheels, 14.
Through the Rain, 15.
Hard to Find the Words, 16.
Take Me Back, 17.
Freewheelin', 18.
Love's Got Me Doin' Time, 19.
Once Around the Ride, 20.
If You Don't Like It, ....