外部リンク"LANA LANE" を
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LANA LANEに登録されている33曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Under the Olive Tree, 2.
Destination Roswell, 3.
Symphony of Angels, 4.
Avalon, 5.
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, 6.
When Time Stood Still, 7.
Evolution Revolution, 8.
Escher's Staircase, 9.
Stardust, 10.
Rainbow's End, 11.
Queen of the Ocean, 12.
Time to Say Goodbye, 12.
Love Is an Illusion, 13.
Carry Me Home, 14.
Someone to Believe, 15.
Still Loving You, 16.
California Dreamin', 17.
Can't Find My Way Home, 18.
The Dream That Never Ends, 19.
Through the Fire, 20.
Nether Lands, ....