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PARADOX BANGERS (OFFICIAL)PARADOXに登録されている19曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Heresy, 2.
M.o.t.c.(massage of the Cathars), 3.
Killtime, 4.
700 Years On, 5.
Tales of the Weird, 6.
Day of Judgement, 7.
Castle in the Wind, 8.
Brainwashed, 9.
Suburban Riot Squad, 10.
Alien Godz, 11.
Brutalized, 12.
Hollow Peace, 13.
Raptor, 14.
Serch for Perfection, 15.
The Visitors, 16.
Monument, 17.
Shattered Illusions, 18.
Psychofficial, 19.
No Place to Survive