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PINK CREAM 69に登録されている50曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

Livin' My Life for You, 2.
Shame, 3.
Signs of Danger, 4.
One Step Into Paradise, 5.
Shelter, 6.
I Only Wanna Be for You, 7.
Where the Eagles Learn to Fly, 8.
Rolling Down a Thunder, 9.
Ballerina, 10.
Sugar for Love, 11.
Take Those Tears, 12.
Talk to the Moon, 13.
Do You Like It Like That, 14.
Big Shot, 15.
Break the Silence, 16.
Shout!, 17.
Gone Again, 18.
Gods Come Together, 19.
Seas of Madness, 20.
We Taught the Children, ....