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RACER Xに登録されている49曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

Superheroes, 2.
Snakebite, 3.
Scarified, 4.
Street Lethal, 5.
Technical Difficulties, 6.
Sacrifice, 7.
Motor Man, 8.
King of the Monsters, 9.
Heart of a Lion, 10.
Fire of Rock, 11.
Frenzy, 12.
Viking Kong, 13.
Loud and Clear, 14.
Sunlit Nights, 15.
Hammer Away, 16.
Y.R.O., 17.
Into the Night, 18.
Let the Spirit Fly, 19.
Godzilla, 20.
B.R.O., ....