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AXXISに登録されている52曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Kingdom of the Night, 2.
Little Look Back, 3.
Doom of Destiny(arabia), 4.
Father, Father, 5.
Stay Don't Leave Me, 6.
She Got Nine Lifes, 7.
Utopia, 8.
The Wolf, 9.
Never Say Never, 10.
Icewind, 11.
Living in a World, 12.
Against a Brick Wall, 13.
Battle of Power, 13.
Doom of Destiny, 14.
Gimme Your Blood, 15.
Wind in the Night (Shalom), 16.
Lost in Love, 17.
Time Machine, 18.
Dance With the Dead, 19.
Tales of Glory Island, 20.
Idolator, ....