外部リンク"DGM" を
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DGMに登録されている35曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Pride!!, 2.
Eternity, 3.
Amazing Journey, 4.
Still Believe, 5.
Livin' on the Edge, 6.
YOU WA SHOCK(愛をとりもどせ!!), 7.
Perennial Quest, 8.
Is Hell Without Love?, 9.
Dreamland, 10.
A Day Without the Sun, 11.
Reason to Live, 12.
The Rain Falls in the Desert, 13.
Hereafter, 14.
Save Me, 15.
Lost in Time, 16.
A New Day's Coming, 17.
Dogma, 18.
Through My Tears, 19.
Reason, 20.
Universe, ....